Začněte nový rok s úmyslem růst a objevovat krásu každého dne. Místo tradičních předsevzetí se zaměřte na stanovení záměrů, které vám pomohou vytvářet prostor pro klid, vděčnost a osobní transformaci....
Začněte nový rok s úmyslem růst a objevovat krásu každého dne. Místo tradičních předsevzetí se zaměřte na stanovení záměrů, které vám pomohou vytvářet prostor pro klid, vděčnost a osobní transformaci....
Každý den přináší příležitosti k růstu, klidu a radosti. Někdy však stačí jen malá připomínka, abychom si uvědomili, co je skutečně důležité – zvláště když se potýkáme s pocity smutku...
Každý den přináší příležitosti k růstu, klidu a radosti. Někdy však stačí jen malá připomínka, abychom si uvědomili, co je skutečně důležité – zvláště když se potýkáme s pocity smutku...
GoodWays slaví 8. narozeniny! Ani se tomu nechce věřit, že GoodWays slaví již 8 narozeniny. Ale je to tak. Před 8 lety jsme oficiálně registrovali naši firmu a vypustili náš...
GoodWays slaví 8. narozeniny! Ani se tomu nechce věřit, že GoodWays slaví již 8 narozeniny. Ale je to tak. Před 8 lety jsme oficiálně registrovali naši firmu a vypustili náš...
In this post, we'll look at why gratitude journaling is such an effective tool for improving your mental health, how to start one, and some examples to inspire you.
In this post, we'll look at why gratitude journaling is such an effective tool for improving your mental health, how to start one, and some examples to inspire you.
Zero waste is a philosophy and approach aimed at eliminating or minimizing the amount of waste produced by individuals, businesses, and our society as a whole.
Zero waste is a philosophy and approach aimed at eliminating or minimizing the amount of waste produced by individuals, businesses, and our society as a whole.
At a time when environmental degradation is an increasingly pressing issue, the concept of ecotourism has gained significant attention. In this article, we'll delve into the principles and benefits of...
At a time when environmental degradation is an increasingly pressing issue, the concept of ecotourism has gained significant attention. In this article, we'll delve into the principles and benefits of...
Conscious ecological behavior is an increasingly important part of our everyday life. In this article, we will explore a number of practical tips on how to go green and make...
Conscious ecological behavior is an increasingly important part of our everyday life. In this article, we will explore a number of practical tips on how to go green and make...
In recent years, solid shampoos have gained huge popularity as a sustainable and convenient alternative to traditional liquid shampoos. In this article, we will guide you through the process of...
In recent years, solid shampoos have gained huge popularity as a sustainable and convenient alternative to traditional liquid shampoos. In this article, we will guide you through the process of...
How to detox the body, mind, environment and relationships in the spring? Spring cleaning is part of the cycle of nature and thus becomes a natural annual ritual.
How to detox the body, mind, environment and relationships in the spring? Spring cleaning is part of the cycle of nature and thus becomes a natural annual ritual.
Treat yourself to a real caress for the soul and pleasure for the taste and smell cells. You will love the unique combination of spices with Chai masala tea!
Treat yourself to a real caress for the soul and pleasure for the taste and smell cells. You will love the unique combination of spices with Chai masala tea!
Do you want to wrap gifts for your loved ones in an original, elegant and above all sustainable way? Try it differently this year with the clever Furoshiki technique!
Do you want to wrap gifts for your loved ones in an original, elegant and above all sustainable way? Try it differently this year with the clever Furoshiki technique!
The year 2020 was full of unexpected events that were not easy for any of us. We are glad that we could spend our time doing something that gives us...
The year 2020 was full of unexpected events that were not easy for any of us. We are glad that we could spend our time doing something that gives us...
An interview where you can learn all about the beginnings of GoodWays, our philosophy, transformation, and especially our dreams and goals for the future.
An interview where you can learn all about the beginnings of GoodWays, our philosophy, transformation, and especially our dreams and goals for the future.
Do you want to warm up and treat yourself to the true caress of the soul and delight your taste buds and olfactory senses? Try this recipe for miraculous golden...
Do you want to warm up and treat yourself to the true caress of the soul and delight your taste buds and olfactory senses? Try this recipe for miraculous golden...
Drinking clean water is the basis of a healthy life. However, its harmlessness is currently not a matter of course. Fortunately, there are environmentally friendly ways to filter tap water...
Drinking clean water is the basis of a healthy life. However, its harmlessness is currently not a matter of course. Fortunately, there are environmentally friendly ways to filter tap water...
Is the incoming rainy autumn weather weighing you down, and would you like to escape to an exotic paradise, even if just for a moment? We've prepared a recipe for...
Is the incoming rainy autumn weather weighing you down, and would you like to escape to an exotic paradise, even if just for a moment? We've prepared a recipe for...