Our blog

Jak najít v roce 2025 radost a klid v duši s pomocí afirmací a vděčnosti

How to find joy and peace of mind in 2025 with ...

Start the new year with the intention to grow and discover the beauty of each day. Instead of traditional resolutions, focus on setting intentions that help you create space for...

How to find joy and peace of mind in 2025 with ...

Start the new year with the intention to grow and discover the beauty of each day. Instead of traditional resolutions, focus on setting intentions that help you create space for...

Afirmační karty: Semínka pozitivní změny ve tvém životě

Affirmation Cards: Seeds of Positive Change in ...

Each day brings opportunities for growth, peace, and joy. Sometimes all it takes is a small reminder to realize what's truly important – especially when dealing with feelings of sadness...

Affirmation Cards: Seeds of Positive Change in ...

Each day brings opportunities for growth, peace, and joy. Sometimes all it takes is a small reminder to realize what's truly important – especially when dealing with feelings of sadness...

8 let, 8 lekcí a cesta plná vděčnosti

8 years, 8 lessons, and a journey full of grati...

GoodWays is celebrating its 8th birthday! It's hard to believe that GoodWays is already celebrating its 8th birthday. But it's true. Eight years ago, we officially registered our company and...

8 years, 8 lessons, and a journey full of grati...

GoodWays is celebrating its 8th birthday! It's hard to believe that GoodWays is already celebrating its 8th birthday. But it's true. Eight years ago, we officially registered our company and...

Co je to deník vděčnosti? A proč je považován za klíčový při překonávání stresu a hledání štěstí?

What is a gratitude journal? And why is it cons...

In this post, we'll explore why keeping a gratitude journal is such an effective tool for improving mental health, how to start writing one, and we'll offer you various examples...

What is a gratitude journal? And why is it cons...

In this post, we'll explore why keeping a gratitude journal is such an effective tool for improving mental health, how to start writing one, and we'll offer you various examples...

Zero waste tipy: Jednoduché kroky pro zelenější budoucnost

Zero waste tips: Simple steps for a greener future

Zero waste is a philosophy and approach aimed at eliminating or minimizing the amount of waste produced by individuals, businesses, and our society as a whole.

Zero waste tips: Simple steps for a greener future

Zero waste is a philosophy and approach aimed at eliminating or minimizing the amount of waste produced by individuals, businesses, and our society as a whole.

Ekoturistika: Průvodce ekologickým cestováním

Ecotourism: A Guide to Eco-Friendly Travel

In a time when environmental degradation is becoming an increasingly urgent issue, the concept of ecotourism has gained significant attention. In this article, we will dive into the principles and...

Ecotourism: A Guide to Eco-Friendly Travel

In a time when environmental degradation is becoming an increasingly urgent issue, the concept of ecotourism has gained significant attention. In this article, we will dive into the principles and...

Jak žít ekologicky: Praktické eko tipy pro každodenní život - GoodWays

How to Live Eco-Friendly: Practical Eco Tips fo...

Conscious ecological behavior is becoming an increasingly important part of our daily lives. In this article, we will explore a number of practical tips on how to behave ecologically and...

How to Live Eco-Friendly: Practical Eco Tips fo...

Conscious ecological behavior is becoming an increasingly important part of our daily lives. In this article, we will explore a number of practical tips on how to behave ecologically and...

Jak používat tuhý šampon a kondicionér

How to use solid shampoo and conditioner

In recent years, solid shampoos have gained immense popularity as a sustainable and convenient alternative to traditional liquid shampoos.In this article, we will guide you through the process of effectively...

How to use solid shampoo and conditioner

In recent years, solid shampoos have gained immense popularity as a sustainable and convenient alternative to traditional liquid shampoos.In this article, we will guide you through the process of effectively...

Jarní očista

Spring Cleanse

How to do a spring detox for your body, mind, environment, and relationships? Spring cleansing is part of the natural cycle and thus becomes a natural annual ritual.

Spring Cleanse

How to do a spring detox for your body, mind, environment, and relationships? Spring cleansing is part of the natural cycle and thus becomes a natural annual ritual.

Udržitelný holicí strojek pro dokonalé zero waste holení

Sustainable razor for perfect zero waste shaving

Let's return to classic shaving without plastic, say NO to disposable razors, and take another step towards sustainability with GoodRazor.

Sustainable razor for perfect zero waste shaving

Let's return to classic shaving without plastic, say NO to disposable razors, and take another step towards sustainability with GoodRazor.

Jak udržitelně dodržovat zdravý pitný režim?

How to sustainably maintain a healthy drinking ...

A proper drinking regime is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. We have a few tips for you on how to stay adequately and effectively hydrated.

How to sustainably maintain a healthy drinking ...

A proper drinking regime is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. We have a few tips for you on how to stay adequately and effectively hydrated.

Čokoládové brownies

Chocolate Brownies

Are you craving something delicious? Try this simple and healthy recipe for vegan chocolate brownies with Edible Flowers! Who else is already drooling?

Chocolate Brownies

Are you craving something delicious? Try this simple and healthy recipe for vegan chocolate brownies with Edible Flowers! Who else is already drooling?

Chai Masala recept

Chai Masala Recipe

Indulge in the true caress of the soul and delight for your taste and smell. You'll fall in love with the unique combination of spices with Chai masala tea!

Chai Masala Recipe

Indulge in the true caress of the soul and delight for your taste and smell. You'll fall in love with the unique combination of spices with Chai masala tea!

Furoshiki ekologické balení dárků

Furoshiki eco-friendly gift wrapping

Do you want to wrap gifts for your loved ones in an original, elegant, and above all, sustainable way?Try something different this year with the smart Furoshiki technique!

Furoshiki eco-friendly gift wrapping

Do you want to wrap gifts for your loved ones in an original, elegant, and above all, sustainable way?Try something different this year with the smart Furoshiki technique!

Co nám přinesl rok 2020?

What did the year 2020 bring us?

The year 2020 was full of unexpected events that were not easy for any of us. We are glad that we could spend time on something that makes sense to...

What did the year 2020 bring us?

The year 2020 was full of unexpected events that were not easy for any of us. We are glad that we could spend time on something that makes sense to...

GoodWays – Cesta k ekologické každodennosti

GoodWays – The Path to Eco-Friendly Everyday Life

An interview where you can learn all about the beginnings of GoodWays, our philosophy, transformation, and especially our dreams and goals for the future.

GoodWays – The Path to Eco-Friendly Everyday Life

An interview where you can learn all about the beginnings of GoodWays, our philosophy, transformation, and especially our dreams and goals for the future.

Jak souvisí koronavirus s ekologií?

How is the coronavirus related to ecology?

What are the negative and positive effects of the coronavirus crisis on the environment? What can we do to live sustainably?

How is the coronavirus related to ecology?

What are the negative and positive effects of the coronavirus crisis on the environment? What can we do to live sustainably?

Blahodárné Kurkuma latte

Beneficial Turmeric Latte

Do you want to warm up and treat yourself to the true caress of the soul and delight your taste buds and olfactory senses? Try this recipe for miraculous golden...

Beneficial Turmeric Latte

Do you want to warm up and treat yourself to the true caress of the soul and delight your taste buds and olfactory senses? Try this recipe for miraculous golden...

Jak vybrat svou osobní zero waste lahev?

How to choose your personal zero waste bottle?

Are you wondering which bottle is the right one for you?We've created a guide to help you with your selection!

How to choose your personal zero waste bottle?

Are you wondering which bottle is the right one for you?We've created a guide to help you with your selection!

Další vzrušující rok!

Another exciting year!

We have a new year here, which is a great opportunity to look back at the past year 2019, recap what happened, and also take a look at what awaits...

Another exciting year!

We have a new year here, which is a great opportunity to look back at the past year 2019, recap what happened, and also take a look at what awaits...

Přírodní filtr na vodu

Natural Water Filter

Drinking clean water is the foundation of a healthy life. However, its safety is not a given these days. Fortunately, there are eco-friendly ways to filter tap water and improve...

Natural Water Filter

Drinking clean water is the foundation of a healthy life. However, its safety is not a given these days. Fortunately, there are eco-friendly ways to filter tap water and improve...

Kokosový matcha drink

Coconut Matcha Drink

Is the upcoming rainy autumn weather weighing on you, and would you like to escape to an exotic paradise, even if just for a moment? We've prepared a recipe for...

Coconut Matcha Drink

Is the upcoming rainy autumn weather weighing on you, and would you like to escape to an exotic paradise, even if just for a moment? We've prepared a recipe for...

Thajský ledový čaj

Thai Iced Tea

You don't have to travel all the way to Thailand to enjoy homemade Thai iced tea! Just a few ingredients and you can feel the exotic vibes right at home.

Thai Iced Tea

You don't have to travel all the way to Thailand to enjoy homemade Thai iced tea! Just a few ingredients and you can feel the exotic vibes right at home.

Osvěžující melounový fresh

Refreshing watermelon fresh

Summer is at the peak of its hottest days and you're looking for something to refresh yourself? Watermelon fresh is easy to prepare and yet so perfect!

Refreshing watermelon fresh

Summer is at the peak of its hottest days and you're looking for something to refresh yourself? Watermelon fresh is easy to prepare and yet so perfect!

Elixír zdraví v podobě nápoje ze zeleného ječmene

Health elixir in the form of a green barley drink

Spring is in full swing and we have prepared a tip for you on a real booster that we have come to love so much!

Health elixir in the form of a green barley drink

Spring is in full swing and we have prepared a tip for you on a real booster that we have come to love so much!

Jak to všechno začalo

How it all started

The main idea behind the creation of GoodWays is to help reduce the world's dependence on plastic bottles and other single-use products.

How it all started

The main idea behind the creation of GoodWays is to help reduce the world's dependence on plastic bottles and other single-use products.